Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring Break - What's next!

HI there! It has been a long time since my last blog. I have been busy, with school and Cheerleading. We have 2 more competitions and then we are done for the season! At school I have been reading, reading and more reading to reach my GOAL of 600 mins. I nailed it!!! I posted the pictures of my last photo shoot with Quail and Clover, I love the accessories and I can't wait for the summer session. WHAT'S NEXT: I am hoping to travel to Seattle soon,to visit my agency Seattle Talent and get some training and auditions under my belt! Well, I will post a few more pictures, until then Ciao for Now!

PHOTO SHOOT for Quail and Clover

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day All!

Hi there, Here are some updates. I DID get accepted to IMTA, but I think my mommy is leaning toward LA. I was waiting to hear back from Ms.Huff, and Unfortunately, We did not get accepted. The good news is some of my friends did! and I am happy for them! As I always say: "Maybe, Next time" I am looking forward to the fashion shows that are coming up,more info on that later. Oh! and I can't wait to see how my pictures came out at the Quail and Clover photo shoot!!! Well, Ciao for now!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Audition day! IMTA and Karla Huff/Dream Talent

Hi there! Wish me luck, I am about to head over to the auditions. I will be doing my commercial in front of some amazing people! I hope the like me. Stay Tuned. Ciao for now!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Quail and Clover/Babiekins Magazine

HI there! I am so excited. I just booked a photo shoot with Quail and Clover hair accessories. They are so beautiful and I cannot wait to put them on. They are handmade, crocheted and bedazzled. All my favorite things! The photos will also be used for an upcoming issue of Babiekins Magazine, a High-end children's fashion Magazine. I'll keep you posted when I get my photos. Onto practice my commercial for my BIG audition this Sunday with IMTA. Wish me Luck! Ciao for now!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Hi there! So, it has been very busy around here with the Holidays and all....Well, I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy New Year! I am so Excited. We are going to watch the Movie "FROZEN" tonight at the theater.....yippee. I will try to stay up and watch the potato drop, but I don't think it will happen. Oh! Yes, I meant to say Potato. I live in Boise, Idaho, and this is the first year we are for New years Eve dropping a potato-shaped ball, just like Time Square (sort of). I can't wait until this Sunday Jan. 5th, I finally get to see Ms. Amy and my friends from the Commercial-training, and I have been practicing just like she told me too! Well gotta go get ready for a fun-filled evening. Be safe, Have Fun! Ciao for now!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Acting/Commercial Training -Almost done!

Hi there! So last Sunday Dec. 15th, I practiced my monologue "The Cereal Thief" with Ms. Amy. We had so much fun...and since I won't see her for 2 weeks, I brought her a Candy Cane for Christmas. We will meet back up after the New Year. I will miss her, but she gave us all a HUGE hug before we left so that made me feel better. The exciting part!!! We have only a few short weeks left until I get to audition.....Yippee!!! I'm so excited to showcase everything I've learned so far.... O.k. well I better go practice. Ciao for now!